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Illinois Libraries Present: Coralie Adam - Virtual Event

March 4, 2025 ∙ 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Virtual event
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Add to Calendar 2025-03-04 19:00:00 2025-03-04 20:00:00 America/Chicago Illinois Libraries Present: Coralie Adam - Virtual Event Aerospace Engineer Coralie Adam will give an inside look at the space industry! Renae Kerrigan, Curator of Science & Director of the Dome Planetarium, will join her in conversation. Signup required. external tplibrary@tplibrary.org
Illinois Libraries Present: Coralie Adam - Virtual Event

About this event

Illinois Libraries Present: Exploring Space with Coralie Adam - Virtual Event

Get an inside look at the space industry with Illinois’ own Coralie Adam. She’ll be joined in conversation by Renae Kerrigan, Curator of Science and Director of the Dome Planetarium at Peoria Riverfront Museum.

Born and raised in Illinois, Coralie holds a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering and Astronomy from the University of Illinois, and an M.S. in Aerospace Engineering Sciences from the University of Colorado. She leads the multi-mission Optical Navigation team at KinetX Aerospace, the first privately held company to provide deep space navigation and flight dynamics expertise to NASA. At KinetX, Coralie has had lead roles on the navigation teams for NASA’s New Horizons, OSIRIS-REx, Lucy, and OSIRIS-APEX missions. Coralie’s work enabled the first exploration of the Pluto system and the historic sample collection of near-Earth asteroid Bennu. In addition to leading the OSIRIS-REx optical navigation team, she co-convened the scientific investigation of Bennu’s active particle ejection phenomena. Coralie is currently the Deputy Navigation Chief on NASA’s Lucy mission to the Jupiter Trojan asteroids, as well as supporting several commercial and government exploration initiatives to the moon and beyond.

Sign up to attend virtually, https://bit.ly/ILP_CoralieAdam

This event is made possible by Illinois Libraries Present, a statewide collaboration among public libraries offering premier events. ILP is funded in part by a grant awarded by the Illinois State Library, a department of the Office of Secretary of State, using funds provided by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).

ILP is committed to inclusion and accessibility. To request accommodations, please email illinoislibrariespresent@gmail.com

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