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Closed. Open Today 9AM-5PM

Parenting & Homeschooling

We have programs, resources, and services that will support you as a parent or caregiver. You can boost your child's early literacy, get homework help, enjoy family activities, and more! The library offers many opportunities for you and your child to discover and grow together.

parent reading to small child

Homeschooling Books

Parenting Collection shelves

Parenting Collection

The library has a collection for parents and caregivers on topics such as early literacy skills, family activities, support for education, potty training, dealing with food allergies, and more. This collection can be found in the Youth Services Department on the second floor.

Two pairs of hands holding a paper cutout of a family


The library offers resources and services to support patrons with disabilities. These include Supported Storytime, adapted books, assistive software and devices, and a Social Story about visiting the library.

Learn More